’m always getting alerts and recommendations for articles that discuss both the traditional values of HCM and new and unique ways to approach getting the most out of the human assets in organizations. This week, I thought I would share some of my favorites that might provide readers with some new and old perspective.
Here’s an article called Tours Of Duty kindly shared by Karla Robertson of Shifting Gears from the Harvard Business Review. Remember when careers with companies were “for life”? You expected long tenure, consistent reward and promotion, and then retirement with a pension and gold watch. HBR pokes a stick at that and suggests it’s ok (even required) that people get on and off the bus as part of the plan of finding the right employees for the right times … READ HERE.
Increasing Quality of Hire is near and dear to my heart, and this article from the LinkedIn Talent Blog talks to just that. Specifically, the author asks why we manage the hiring and performance process differently for internal employees vs. external candidates, and what the impact is … READ HERE.
Finally, thanks to Nov Omana at Collective HR Solutions for alerting me to the article 7 Workplace Collaboration Statistics That Will Have You Knocking Down Cubicles from Clear Company. As you know, Shadowmatch USA is big on team alignment and collaboration, and although all 7 stats are insightful, the one on team alignment alone is worth a click through … READ HERE.
Thanks to all the referrers (automated and human) that keep the good stuff front of mind for us all. It’s clear that Human Capital Management still represents one of the most important and opportunity rich areas to invest in!